Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Mother's Pledge

A good friend asked me if I would write a mother's poem for her daughter going off to the military. Frankly I'm kinda rusty on my poetry so I'm going to have to least give it a try. Here is one of them. I hope that it worked out. Feel free to critique.

Mother’s Pledge
You were born so helpless and small.
But all too soon you were wanting to walk..
Much too quickly you ran without fear of falls.

I was so proud to be there to pick you up.
But it wasn’t long before you didn’t need me.
Falls were just part of landing when you jumped.

You grew so fast my amazing daughter, the love of my heart,
From a chubby fisted baby, into a gangly youngster.
Now you stand before me a woman, your life ready to start.
I envisioned you doing so many things as I watched you grow.
How was I to know that you were the master of your own heart?

Where ever your destiny lay, it would be you, not I, that would know.
You came to me one day with a head full of plans not seeking my permission.
You came to me because you loved me and wanted me to know where your path lay.

You said the road you’ve chosen is difficult and I might have expected this from a son.
You said you were trading in your sneakers and high heels for military boots and going off to fight the war.
What was I to say? You are too old to wrap you up safely in baby blankets until you changed you mind.
You are a woman now and must follow your own path be it near or far.
There are no words to tell you what is in my heart, but from the start, my love has protected you.
No matter how far you go, whether in the light, or in your darkest hour.
My heart and prayers go with you to keep you safe.

You will never be alone.

(c) Kay L. Schlagel