I would like to give you an excerpt out of my new book MAXWELL SAVES THE DAY, by Kay L. Schlagel and illustrated by Dawn Landrum, about 2 boys who build a robot for their science fair project. It doesn't take them long to find out that Maxwell isn't like normal robots and at times has a mind of his own, especially when it comes to their young friend Chrissy. When Chrissy goes missing one day and all hope is lost in the normal attempts to rescue her, Maxwell comes to her aide in a most unusual way.
While pulling out parts and sorting them, Paul came across an old invention-actually it was part of an invention, of theirs that really brought back memories.
“Oh geez, Mike. Why did you have to bring this thing along? Wasn’t our total humiliation then enough for you?” Paul laughed good naturedly.
“Hey, it was a good idea when I had it,” Mike protested laughing. “There are just things that you shouldn’t try to improve on.”
“Yea like….”
“Cake decorating,” they said in unison.
A few years back, Mike had decided that using the normal cake decorating equipment was messy and took way to much time. He had been forced to take the class during mini-classes at school. He decided the least he could do was make it faster and less messy. He pitched the idea of an electric cake decorator to Peter. It could be loaded with all the frosting colors in separate departments with interchangeable tips. Paul had thought it was a great idea. Mike and Paul worked on the decorator and although the class was almost over by the time they had come up with a workable model, they decided to give the rest of the class a demonstration on how well it worked. Well---how well it was supposed to work. All their practice runs with the decorator had worked, but during the demonstration it had somehow clogged. It wouldn’t have been quite so bad if it hadn’t exploded with quite so much force, splattering the instructor and students with great gobs of frosting. They still could have saved some of their pride, if the principal had not come charging into the room, having heard the explosion. He slipped on the frosting, slid head first under the home room teacher’s dress, and with her on top of him came to rest at Paul and Mike’s feet. Since Mike and Paul were still holding parts of the decorator, with black soot covering their faces, with their hair standing on end, it wasn’t hard for the principal to figure out who was responsible for the mess. He kicked them both out of the class with an unfortunate amount of fanfare so that there was no one left in the school who hadn’t heard what had happened. Needless to say, both boys had to put up with weeks of teasing by the other kids, which stopped any more interest in making cake decorating any easier.
By the time they had talked and laughed about what had happened, they realized that it no longer held the sting of embarrassment that it used to.
Building a robot would be the most complicated project they had ever tried but both boys were confident that they had enough parts and knowledge between them to do it.
THIS BOOK WILL BE AVAILABLE END OF MAY IN A PDF DOWNLOADABLE COPY ON www.jdkimports.com. if you click on the book section.